I sometimes think that the editors of the satirical publication, The Onion, masquerade as critics of the pharmaceutical industry. Some critiques of pharma are truly too outlandish to be believed. Take for example, a recent debate in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) on “Should journals stop publishing research funded by the drug industry?”. Incredibly, two authors support this outlandish view. The following quote encapsulates the gist of this latest inanity.
“The BMJ and its sibling journals have stopped publishing research funded by the tobacco industry for two main reasons: the research is corrupted and the companies publish their research to advance their commercial aims, oblivious of the harm they do. But these arguments apply even more strongly to research funded by the drug industry…. In contrast to tobacco funded research, which is comparatively rare, two-thirds of the clinical trials in major journals such as the Lancet or New England Journal of Medicine are funded by the drug industry.”
First, let’s state the obvious. All drugs have side effects. Even over-the-counter medications that are commonly thought of as being benign, such as acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol (JNJ) and ibuprofen, the active ingredient of Advil (Pfizer)can have severe adverse effects – including death – if not used properly. But to compare drugs to tobacco, a known killer, is over the top. Such comparisons are not just absurd, they are irresponsible as they contribute to patients not taking prescribed medicines that can clearly benefit them.
Ironically, one of the major criticisms of the biopharmaceutical industry is a lack of transparency of clinical trial results. It must be noted that ALL clinical trials are now entered in the clinicaltrials.gov database. Thus, companies cannot hide any clinical studies that they conduct. Furthermore, companies are now required to disclose the results of these trials on this same website. In fact, companies have been correctly chastised for not entering these results quickly enough. In response, not only have companies committed to improving data entry, but places like GSK and Pfizer PFE -0.67% have developed policies whereby the individual patient results can be scrutinized by responsible bodies. This is a major cultural shift that would have been unthinkable five years ago.
Why, then, is it important to publish the results of these trials in medical journals? For one thing, most physicians do not scrutinize clinicaltrials.gov for these results. They depend on medical and scientific journals for this information. In addition, when papers on clinical trial results are submitted to journals, they are reviewed by experts in the field who can offer their views on the merits of the work. It is foolish to eliminate this step. Patients and physicians want more transparency of clinical trial results. Banning the publication of these results makes no sense.
The second part of the attack is based on the fact that two-thirds of the trials that appear in major medical journals are funded by biopharmaceutical companies. Of course they are! Who would you expect to fund studies on experimental medications? Government supported agencies like the NIH can’t do this as it would break their already tight R&D budgets. It is the companies that should bear the burden of proving the safety and efficacy of their experimental drugs.
It also must be noted that, while biopharmaceutical companies pay for these trials, clinical studies are conducted by independent physicians and scientists at leading hospitals and clinics around the world. Furthermore, the protocols for these trials are reviewed by both the FDA and review boards at each of these institutions. Simply dismissing the results of these trials because they have been funded by pharma companies disparages the reputation of these physicians and their institutions.
The notion that journals should stop publishing research funded by the drug industry, makes absolutely no sense. That such a proposal is even being considered is sad. But it also shows how far the reputation of the industry has fallen and the importance of restoring its broken image.
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